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Pack Information: 53 Card Deck and Guidebook

Card Dimensions: Roughly 9 x 12.5 cm (3.5 x 5").

About the Deck
The Divine Feminine Oracle is an invitation to reconnect with the sacred feminine that exists within us. It's a spiritual tool to hone your intuition. Working with it can be a sacred practice of remembering that you contain your own answers. You can drop into your heart, that cathedral of love inside you, and receive what is needed. 

In this exquisite oracle deck, scholar, speaker, and author Meggan Watterson has gathered together the saints, mystics, gurus, and goddesses from the world religious who represent both divine beings and the human women who sought to embody them. Each of these sacred ladies, when called upon, can strengthen your capacity to hear your soul. From the unyielding love of Mary Magdalene, to the transformational force of the goddess Kali, you will discover the expansive qualities of the divine feminine without you, so that you can embody with ease and levity the love that you already are.

The Divine Feminine Oracle: 53 cards & Guidebook

SKU: Hol/Div
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